Centro per l`Arte Contemporanea via Bramante, 26 I-06100 Perugia

Moreno Barboni, Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni founded the center for experimental and contemporary art Trebisonda in 1989. 

The intention has been to create an open space, where artists can meet and concentrate on creating new works and developing their ideas. The space, in constant transformation, has represented an opportunity for invited artists to work with the greatest freedom. 

Fiorucci, Lang, and Ragni went on form the managing committee (board of directors) of Trebisonda. In the course of the years, many artists have joined Trebisonda, both as supporting members, and as participants in the association’s program. Jodi Sandford and Valter Gosti, among others, have supported the activities of Trebisonda and accompanied the association on its long journey through the years. More recently, Benedetta Galli, a Perugian artist, has become a dedicated member of the foundational group of the association.

As of 2000, Trebisonda has administered and organized the current exhibition space that was transformed from a former public elementary school.

Trebisonda is non-profit organization and platform for the latest trends in contemporary art. It has always been very careful to extend activities beyond the province of Perugia and to promote art in general, regardless of its origin. Hence, many international artists have taken part in Trebisonda together with Italian and local artists. Numerous international projects and exchanges have emerged from this cooperation. Throughout this experience, the Association has never privileged a single artistic current or style, but has always tried to promote and promulgate lively courageous artistic research. The four artists, who are now responsible for Trebisonda, present works that span across different poetics and techniques, but are united in their continuous search to define their own sensitivity. Their line never ceases to advance, as happens when art is an innovative activity and not mere repetition. 

A history of Trebisonda was published in 2012, written by Giorgio Bonomi, with an introduction by Bruno Corà, and a chronology by Andrea Baffoni, Quater publishing house: Foligno (Italy). ISBN: 978-88-90-6050-4-8.

The book is in Italian with an English translation by Jodi Sandford